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 THE far..

It all came from pronouncing 'Deuchars' incorrectly and the barman looking at me with a blank face...

Since then we have managed to taste well over 200 different types of beer (some have etched themselves into our hearts and others have etched themselves into the pavement), brewed over 300 litres (and counting) of beer'y awesomeness and watched some of the most brilliant documentaries on Real Ale and Craft Beer.


A good beer to us brings images of something lovingly and carefully made by skilled artisans, maybe with a cool name and a funky label, but not necessarily in Cask or Keg and it doesn’t necessarily make us think of older men in flat caps in a traditional ‘pub’.

The idea of doing beer reviews was a near enough immediate choice and so we are setting out to entice people to maybe try something a bit different, something they wouldn’t usually try but we also want to guide our audience through the world of beer'som goodness and what the world of beer has to offer.   

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